What is the purpose of life?
Just like you, I am an ordinary being. I possess no special powers. I don't have a single clue why we exists and how the universe was formed. However, I ONLY know one thing and that is : We, humans are living on Earth. This is our planet, where we belong. We ought to keep our planet safe. But, human activites are destroying the Earth. Why is that so? Humans are imperfect beings. They invented tools because they are lazy. Before scientists can create anything, they will have to bear the dire consequences first- Firstly, whether it will harm our planet. Secondly, whether it will prove of good use or not. Lastly, is it worth if it indeed, prove useful, but in addition, it will harm our planet? My answer to that question - absolutely not. Now, my last question to you is : What will you do to save our beloved planet? We HAVE ONLY THIS PLANET TO LIVE ON. So what if we lived in space? We do have a limited supply of food and etc.. If the conditions do not meet? What will happen? Nothing? Think again. Well anyways, I don't expect us, earthlings to be living on Mars. What will we become then? Marsians? That sounds ridiculous. Must be getting bored right? OKAY, that ends my post. Bye bye.