Monday, February 15, 2010


Let us begin with the Title Of The Day: Untitled. Or in other words, without a title. An idyllic day, isn't it? It is pretty much the same as it is now. The only difference is that it's night time now. Putting that aside, what I am going to include in my post is My Contemporary Life. What I am currently doing is posting. Elsewhere, we have many other sorts of people who does different things. To avoid misinterpretations, I have decided not to list out examples. By that, I believe you know what I am trying to get at. If not, pretend that you have not seen that sentence in the whole of your life before and continue to tread on the path of the unheard-of. Besides, it's just one sentence. Unless you tell me you are going to die from not knowing, then let it be. Curiosity does not help you. Instead, it robs of your life from reality. Curiosity is simply another form of Insatiable Desire and it brings about misleads. Moving on, my present life is like any other ordinary 14 year old kid. The three little things that in actuality, carries a huge responsibility of life, well-being and understanding. Firstly, Money. Secondly, what to spend the Money on. Lastly, whether what the money was spent on was worth the trouble we, our parents or our guardians have gone through just to earn it. Money is commonly spent on food, drinks and transports. This applies not only to me, but many others in similarity. Those who do not follow this aspect, sorry to say, if you give a hungry child or any other child in particular $2 and when they find nothing to spend on, they will come back with something edible that did not cost more than $2. Of course, they can choose to keep it. That is the extent of one's ability to deduce and can be readily taken into consideration that he/she is just a CHILD. Lately, I have been told by no one in particular that I was spending too much on nothing. I was beaten into spending extravagantly on almost nothing. And that amount was: My Time. And the total amount that I have spent was The Time I Have Spent On Using The Computer For Almost No Apparent Reason And Under Not Much Circumstances. Looking back, it really was a waste. Back to looking at the present. In contrast, I did not really find it a waste. What's happened has happened. Nobody can revert time to when it was. Nobody. Neither can I. We only have ourselves to blame for the not so fortunate events that has happened over that period of time. If it takes a fool three minutes to fully comprehend how precious Time really is, then we shouldn't have much trouble knowing what to do with it, am I not correct to say that? If we all know about how precious time is, we should all know about the importance of the current state we are living in now, shouldn't we? We all know that We, Ourselves Are Blighting Earth. Or so, scientists say. Then, we should put Time into good use for Our Planet, For Earth, And Not To Mention, For The Precious Lives Of Ourselves. That concludes my seemingly pointless post for today. Lately, I was spending too much time on keeping track of time that I have completely forgotten that I was wasting more time. Or so, I would add.
Polaris, not forgotten, always remembered.
Namely, Myself.
Good Night.

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