Saturday, October 3, 2009

Things happen tomorrow

Things happen tomorrow

A good day to everybody out there! It might be night now but I am feeling the same as when it was in the day. I am active at night and in the day which makes me- a nocdayner (nocturnal) person. I have experienced a few things today and it won't be easy explaining them. At least, in details. The things that I have done today will happen tomorrow in a few more days. So, is there no tomorrow? Oh, I'm doomed. I have come across a question which questions: "A man has no fears." The answer they gave was: "My son Tom, is afraid of cockroaches." Now, does that make sense to you? What I would like to say is that, that question has no mistakes and it is perfect if you would excuse the usage of a name. Look here. Look there. Look everywhere. Things you find are obvious to you but not to those that meet your eyes. Things may appear big to you, but to your eyes, they are nothing more than molecules and atoms that are readily expressed as invisible substances floating in the air everywhere. Come to think of it, my end of year examination will be starting in two days time from now. Although I don't like to admit that I have apparently not done any revision. Revise today, act tomorrow. Pray the day after tomorrow. Play. Have fun. Results back, jump in joy or die from shock. Graduate or retain. Holiday or no, stay at home. Time passes, kites fly. Plane swishes, bird sizzles. Friend pushes, family curious. Accident happens, child injured. Walk faster, more energy is wasted. Drive more, damage more. Earth sore, humans sore. That is the paradox of our time. That is what happens tomorrow if we don't act today. Things that can be completed tomorrow can also be completed today if enough effort is put in. Achieve now, or never. Things happen tomorrow. Things might be good. Things could be bad too. Still, things happen tomorrow.
Happened to be tomorrow,
LostReality, reality of your misery. I haunted you.

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