For ages, Man has seized flight. What has that lead to? It was known to be, and still now that it is inevitable that Man will take flight one day. What has that become? What became of flight? The aeroplanes we know today are nothing more than tools, machineries that Man has created, formed to take flight. If we are going to talk about environmental issues here, drop the idea and move on to the next point. Aeroplanes... Man... Aeroplanes fly with the help of Man. Man fly when in an aeroplane. Literally. What does that make of Man? Man can witness flight, but can never fly. That's the whole story. Some attempts to fly made by Man, AND I really mean FLY, like a bird soaring in the sky, are just superfluous or extravagant. Truth to be told, I love shows whereby some grotesque character jumps down a high building with a blanket over him/her. It marks a bizarre end for him/her. Frankly speaking, I am not finding Man's great ideas and creations a hassle. It sorts of make the world a better place to live in as transports become much more convenient. Not has Man only seized flight, but they have also seized space. Not the all of it, of course. The message I want to relate today is that Our World's Progression is Limitless. Putting a halt to it means putting a halt to our lives. However, that will not happen. If that does, that is when I step in.
Bounded By Space And Time,
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
My return from time
I have returned from the me of your imagination. As you cannot see, I am not here right now. I am in a world distant from yours. I have travelled through time just to disjoin the flow of the world. I have searched and uncovered the truth behind the existence of our world. But I shall not mention that as I am afraid that many will come chasing after my information and I fear that my pursuers are about to catch up to me, as of now even as I speak. On top of that, my legs are wobbly from running and it is only a matter of time when I perish, along with the world. It may not seem that things are in my favour but I have concealed a plan that will announce the disappearance or the continuance of the world. I do not expect remuneration but so long as the plan is being carried out smoothly, I am satisfied. With the concurrence of several unusual events, it is unpredictable whether my plan will work out. And with that, I recommend cooperation. I shall not go into details today as I am currently being hunted. But those that hunt me do not know the the person I am, conforming to reality. For I shall be the hunter.
I hunted you.
I hunted you.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Things happen tomorrow
Things happen tomorrow
A good day to everybody out there! It might be night now but I am feeling the same as when it was in the day. I am active at night and in the day which makes me- a nocdayner (nocturnal) person. I have experienced a few things today and it won't be easy explaining them. At least, in details. The things that I have done today will happen tomorrow in a few more days. So, is there no tomorrow? Oh, I'm doomed. I have come across a question which questions: "A man has no fears." The answer they gave was: "My son Tom, is afraid of cockroaches." Now, does that make sense to you? What I would like to say is that, that question has no mistakes and it is perfect if you would excuse the usage of a name. Look here. Look there. Look everywhere. Things you find are obvious to you but not to those that meet your eyes. Things may appear big to you, but to your eyes, they are nothing more than molecules and atoms that are readily expressed as invisible substances floating in the air everywhere. Come to think of it, my end of year examination will be starting in two days time from now. Although I don't like to admit that I have apparently not done any revision. Revise today, act tomorrow. Pray the day after tomorrow. Play. Have fun. Results back, jump in joy or die from shock. Graduate or retain. Holiday or no, stay at home. Time passes, kites fly. Plane swishes, bird sizzles. Friend pushes, family curious. Accident happens, child injured. Walk faster, more energy is wasted. Drive more, damage more. Earth sore, humans sore. That is the paradox of our time. That is what happens tomorrow if we don't act today. Things that can be completed tomorrow can also be completed today if enough effort is put in. Achieve now, or never. Things happen tomorrow. Things might be good. Things could be bad too. Still, things happen tomorrow.
Happened to be tomorrow,
LostReality, reality of your misery. I haunted you.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Have you ever asked yourself this question? Can I live for an Eternity? Well, I have, and now I am regretting even asking my sub- consciousness that question. Maybe I should have tried asking my pet dog first. Unfortunately, I don't have one. Living for an Eternity... Is that considered to be a good or bad thing? It all depends on what you think of Eternity. The word itself can mean many things. Personally, I feel that if everyone lives for an eternity, the world will not progress. Think of it this way... A ruler in a certain place. That ruler continues to rule over that place for an Eternity. That ruler has sovereignty over that place. (Let's put things in a simpler manner. Monarch. Sounds better. Why didn't I think of it earlier on? I have no wish to re-writing my earlier sentences.) Absolute control. Dominates every part of that place. The same ruler, the same old thinker. Is it not better to hand over the position and the duty to protect and help the place progress to the next generation or their offsprings? Different people think differently. Humans' minds are vast. They can go from imagining big numbers to counting them and forming some equations. That sets humans and animals apart, for the moment. Who knows, The animal kingdom might rule over humans one day. If that ever happens, I would want to join the animals in their conquest, bearing the ideal of world domination. Ultimately, whether you like to live for an eternity or not is all up to you. Think, do you not want to subject for any change at all? Do you really want to be a perpetual being? If so, unlike you, I would not want to live for an eternity. Worst still, suffer for an eternity. And one more thing, this world would be feeding on trees and grass then. What's the word? Overcrowding. That sort of sums up what I want to post. Woah, nice time 11:44 PM. I have to enjoy this moment. I won't get to see it that often again.
Yours eternally,
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Knowledge is Power
Greetings to everyone, everywhere, all around. I have decided to post today. I guess it should be based on my instinct. Besides that, the reason behind my not-posting- issue over the past few weeks is simply because, my blog has been neutralized. For some reasons which is blogger's problem. Well, let's start with the topic, shall we? I have always believed that knowledege is power. Information come and go. I desire for knowledge. Once, I dreamt of this dream. It was fabulous. The world was filled with information all people would want to get a hold of. It was within my grasp. I extended one hand but was suprised when something spoke to me. "You want to obtain power?" I could not open my mouth to speak. Instead, I was drowning, in my own voice. "Knowledge is power... Knowledge is power. Knowledge..." I made a attempt to run, but was later pulled back by a invinsible force. Then I realised that the world around me was filled with beings of another kind. None that I have seen before and wouldn't want to see it again. Events began to unfold. One being said to another "An ignorant, miserable, revolting and nauseating fool you are. A pathetic loser." "Totally different. This wasn't the world that I was living in". Suddenly, I was brought yet to another world. This time, it was different. An aroma filled the surrounding air and I fell into a deep sleep. Wow sleeping in my dream. It's a serious matter. All of a sudden, I flew. No, I really flew. I was lifted right off the world and thrown into darkness. Then my eyelids flickered into life. "Light.", I thought. Wonderful. It's just that I was thrown off my bed. Unknown force. Possibly my body reacted to some kind of chemical and flew right off. A terrifying, yet exciting dream. Knowledge... Do I really want it that badly? Oh no, my intuition tells me something was off. My alarm clock stared at me. I flew again.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Think death. Think again.
The ostensible truth of my theories
Hello. It's been long since I have posted. How long I suppose? Erm... very long. Probably, a week or so. Next question : Is that considered long to you? My answer to your question : Not quite. But still, it is. Well has that cleared your doubts? Well, I pressume that I may proceed with what I was going to say, or more specifically, post--online. First theory - Most people die because they love thinking about "death" or possibly in a verb form "die". Overall, it doesn't make much of a difference, except "death" is a noun whereas "die" is a verb. Or maybe spelling, if you all would like it. Why is that so? Imagine. You think of something... nice... but horrible. What's the first thought that strikes your mind? FEAR. Supposedly... When one is thinking about something, it affects not only greatly but also, a big impact to his/her brain cells. Don't mention it. I'm also thinking now. So, if you try to sit at a corner, stare into blank space and think of the word "die" or "death" for a day ( I'm telling you, don't take this personally, it isn't going to happen ), I assure you that the next day, you would find yourself lying on a bed of roses, ready to be "incinerated". Okay, not really, "cremated" might be a better word. Spontaneously, at that particular moment, you would think of the word "death" or "die" again. It's futile. That's when you will die and my theory comes to life. ( Once again, it's just something that is being made up, things won't go according to what is happening now, virtually. ) After which, things that are happening up or down there... is something we won't know. Or maybe, we would, when that does happen... It's going to become a world-wide affair.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
'Stop wondering'

Wondering why I have not posted for eons? Here's the answer :
Everyday, I wake up, brush my teeth, wash my face, take a bath , have breakfast , No school? FANTASTIC! go online , stare at my computer screen for hours and there goes my electricity bills. To tell you the truth, the thought of "posting" have not occurred to me until today, which is why I am posting now. If you want to know why I had been doing these past few days, guess what? I was breathing. However, now my system has malfunctioned and somehow it stops me from breathing. Well, I am still alive and going. Maybe I have used an artificial heart. Maybe I am just a spirit 'wandering'. All this adds up to one word : 'Dead'. I might be literally dead but still I respond like a human. But it's up to your thinking whether you like it or not. Presume me dead, or rather, "YOU ARE STILL ALIVE, STOP JOKING". So really, as you can see.. I have nothing to do. I shall fly to my "study desk" officially renamed by me to "floor". That's all. Goodbye.
Logged off,
Friday, May 29, 2009
Field Trip..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mid-year examinations!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

There will be at least one indispensable thing in your life. Mostly, it would be your parents, if not, grandparents or your guardian. It may even be your close friends, if possible. So, many of us think that they will continue to exist forever. That's what I always thought. However, everything became clear to me on that particular day. (shall not be mentioned) My message to you guys is that, death is inevitable. Whatever you do, the word "death" is always there. There will be at least a time when you will experience searing pain. One cannot describe how pain the pain is. One day, you will have to let everything go. It is destined. We cannot let grief and sorrow take over us. We must resist it. Resistance is not futile. It is still made possible. We just have to CHANGE. To adapt to what has CHANGED. That's the life of humans. That's how we live, how we survive. What can we all say about death? Apparently, it's die, passed away so on and so forth. Actually, I think it's more than that. Personally, I feel that when a person dies, they leave the world. THAT's all that is to it. However, there is no proof that my theory or others are definite. What we can do now is to just follow the modern procedure.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Say die?

What is the purpose of life?
Just like you, I am an ordinary being. I possess no special powers. I don't have a single clue why we exists and how the universe was formed. However, I ONLY know one thing and that is : We, humans are living on Earth. This is our planet, where we belong. We ought to keep our planet safe. But, human activites are destroying the Earth. Why is that so? Humans are imperfect beings. They invented tools because they are lazy. Before scientists can create anything, they will have to bear the dire consequences first- Firstly, whether it will harm our planet. Secondly, whether it will prove of good use or not. Lastly, is it worth if it indeed, prove useful, but in addition, it will harm our planet? My answer to that question - absolutely not. Now, my last question to you is : What will you do to save our beloved planet? We HAVE ONLY THIS PLANET TO LIVE ON. So what if we lived in space? We do have a limited supply of food and etc.. If the conditions do not meet? What will happen? Nothing? Think again. Well anyways, I don't expect us, earthlings to be living on Mars. What will we become then? Marsians? That sounds ridiculous. Must be getting bored right? OKAY, that ends my post. Bye bye.
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hello to the world out there!!
Earth hour has ended. SO HOW WAS THE DARKNESS? CREEPY? I have got to admit, I ACTUALLY FOUND IT QUITE CREEY! VERY SCARY! Okay, just a joke on that part. Wasn't really serious about it. For those of you who have actually played their part in saving the Earth by switching off your lights for an hour, I CONGRATULATE YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU HAVE DONE "MUCH" FOR THE EARTH! Even thought it isn't really that "much". Well, at least we tried. Anyways, what was I about to say? Sorry, but I have forgotten. Maybe, Hi? Err, No. Well, time to go. It's getting pretty late. BYE BYE.
Friday, March 27, 2009

Good day, fine weather. Well, what do I have to say? There is definitely at least one "hello" in my posts. That was what I had just noticed. Well, beating about the bush doesn't help right? So now I shall go straight to the topic. What do we have today? Another talk on my "adventure" today? Apparently, you are absolutely wrong. Then what? HAHAHAHAHA!!! It is unlike me to say this, but I think you should understand. A GENTLE REMINDER: EARTH HOUR IS TOMORROW!! FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE IDEA WHAT IS EARTH HOUR, GO FIND OUT YOURSELF! OKAY, JUST JOKING. EARTH HOUR, TO PUT SIMPLY IS A GLOBAL EVENT AND IT IS HELD ON THE 28TH OF MATCH, WHICH IS TOMORROW STARTING FROM 8.30P.M. TO 9.30P.M. SO, WE ALL CAN PLAY A PART IN SAVING EARTH- BY SIMPLY TURNING OFF OUR LIGHTS TOMORROW FOR AN HOUR!! AN HOUR!! ISN'T TOO LONG RIGHT? WELL ANYWAYS, I AM JUST ENCOURAGING ALL OF YOU TO DO IT. NOT ABSOLUTELY COMPULSORY!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hope that everyone had a good ONE WEEK of holiday. Frankly, that one week was very very short. It was considered only about three days to me. Well, what I did was to start my computer, stare at it, waste electricity and end the day. HAHAHAHAHA!! I love my CCA. On Friday, I have to give the school a talk on Earth Hour. Seriously I love it. IT IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!! HAHAHAHAHA!! YES! I HAVE GONE MAD! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Greetings to the world above and below ground:
What do we have today? Nothing? Yeah, you got that right. Good guess. However, you are absolutely wrong. Maybe I don't have anything to share, but.. Let us begin our prelude into the world of Stories, or should I put simply, my experience yesterday. Well well, everyday is the same. First thing most of us, humans always do, is to wake up, brush their teeth, wash their face, bathe and so on and so forth.. The same procedure was happening to me on that day. I don't wish to call that particular day "Interesting", but it all happened all of a sudden. So "what" is all of you want to know right? Like you, I am also an ordinary being. I don't have telepathy. I can't read other people's mind. Curiosity killed the cat.. Oh, so nothing much really happened on that day. I just caught a movie " Race to the witch mountain" , that's all. "Satisfaction brought the cat back."
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hello to the world!
Woah, I love the weather nowadays. Since the day when I said that the plants were going to die because there was no rain, it has started to rain almost everyday. I love my own mouth. It can't be any better. Then again, I have my own troubles when it rains. Firstly, I will get sick. The others, I wouldn't wish to mention it. Basically, I don't mind occasional rain, but when it rains the whole week, I feel like suiciding. Is the world going against me?
Friday, February 6, 2009
What's up?

What's up?
Fine day I had today. Not too shabby, not too bad. Well, joining Environment Club wasn't a bad idea after all. We get the whole plantation/land for us to grow spices etc.. Other than that, we still get the chance to visit nature reserves. In fact, I can't wait. Hope everyone likes the CCA they have been posted to.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Greetings to everyone..
Woah, it has been eons since I have posted. Hope no one has forgotten me. Well, making friends aren't that tough anyways. Bang them once and what happens next- FRIENDS! I know it sounds weird, but believe me. I didn't think that there would be so much homework in seconday one. Of course it isn't as much as it was in primary six though. If those people who can't cope with the stress ( which I don't think there should be any ) now, I wonder how they shall cope when they are in seconday four. Don't take it to heart. I am not suggesting that anyone is weak.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Well, being in a new school isn't too bad after all. It's just the part about transports that is troublesome. Anyways, hope that everyone will have a good four years in the school.
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